Introduction of advertisement essay
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Differences Between 17th and 18th Centuries essays
Contrasts Between seventeenth and eighteenth Centuries articles Before the Revolutionary time of governmental issues and nationalism started in the eighteenth century, the keep going thing on the brains of the pilgrims of the new world was legislative issues. These pilgrims of the seventeenth century were increasingly worried about their religion, strict restoration, and sensible idea. They were undeniably increasingly philosophical. A significant number of the main pioneers of the new world made the hazardous excursion to the new world to get away from strict abuse. Puritans, Pilgrims, and Catholics, just as some Jewish and Muslim people groups, came to America to escape the abuse that they were confronted with in their country England, or, for the Pilgrims, Holland. The governmental issues of England were not an issue for them. Britain was not yet treacherously burdening them or setting persistent limitations upon them. They needed to get away from the methods of social orders that didn't concur with their convictions, social orders that they felt were degenerate. While the Pilgrims drafted the Mayflower Compact before landing, this was about to the extent the idea of governmental issues went in the seventeenth century. The mid eighteenth century achieved the Great Awakening. As strict pizzazz and offer started to blur, a few priests endeavored to resuscitate the soul in their parishioners. Churchgoers progressively whined about the 'dead mutts' who rambled out dreary, over scholarly messages from Puritan platforms. A few clergymen, then again, stressed that huge numbers of their parishioners had gone delicate and that their spirits were not, at this point fueled by the hellfire of customary Calvinism (The American Pageant, page 94). Puritan priests, for example, Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield endeavored to renew the spirits of their supporters. Edwards most renowned lesson, Delinquents in the Hands of an Angry God, helped in his motivation. It terrified a considerable lot of his adherents into accepting that one bogus proceed onward their part would bring about unceasing condemnation since they upset God. The rage of God resembles incredible waters that are dam... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
English as a Second Language (ESL) Definition
English as a Second Language (ESL) Definition English as a Second Language (ESL or TESL) is a customary term for the utilization or investigation of the English language by non-local speakers in an English-talking condition (it is likewise known as English for speakers of different dialects.) That condition might be a nation where English is the native language (e.g., Australia, the U.S.) or one in which English has a set up job (e.g., India, Nigeria). Additionally known as English for speakers of different dialects. English as a Second Language additionally alludes to specific ways to deal with language instructing intended for those whose essential language isn't English. English as a Second Language compares generally to the Outer Circle depicted by etymologist Braj Kachru in Standards, Codification and Sociolinguistic Realism: The English Language in the Outer Circle (1985). Perceptions Essentially, we can split nations as indicated by whether they have English as a local language, English as a subsequent language, or English as an unknown dialect. The primary classification is plain as day. The distinction between English as an unknown dialect and English as a subsequent language is that in the last case just, English has genuine alloted informative status inside the nation. By and large, there is an aggregate of 75 regions where English has an uncommon spot in the public eye. [Braj] Kachru has separated the English-talking nations of the world into three wide sorts, which he represents by setting them in three concentric rings:The inward circle: these nations are the conventional bases of English, where it is the essential language, that is Great Britain and Ireland, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.The external or expanded circle: these nations speak to the previous spread of English in non-local settings, where the language is a piece of the countrys driving establishments, where it assumes a second-language job in a multilingual society. for example Singapore, India, Malawi, and 50 different domains. The growing circle: this incorporates nations that speak to the significance of English as a universal language however they have no history of colonization and English has no exceptional authoritative status in these nations, for example China, Japan, Poland and a developing number of different states. This is English as a remote language.It is certain that the growing circle is the one that is generally delicate to the worldwide status of English. It is here that English is utilized fundamentally as a universal language, particularly in the business, logical, legitimate, political and scholastic communities.The terms (T)EFL, (T)ESL and TESOL [Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages] developed after the Second World War, and in Britain no differentiation was truly made among ESL and EFL, both being subsumed under ELT (English Language Teaching), until well into the 1960s. As respects ESL specifically, the term has been applied to two sorts of encouraging that cover however a re basically unmistakable: ESL in the nation of origin of the student (for the most part a UK idea and concern) and ESL for settlers to ENL nations (primarily a US idea and concern). The term English as Second Language (ESL) has generally alluded to understudies who come to class communicating in dialects other than English at home. The term as a rule is off base, since some who come to class have English as their third, fourth, fifth, etc, language. A few people and gatherings have settled on the term Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) to speak to better the hidden language real factors. In certain wards, the term English as an Additional Language (EAL) is utilized. The term English Language Learner (ELL) has picked up acknowledgment, essentially in the United States. The trouble with the term ELL is that in many homerooms, everybody, paying little heed to their phonetic foundations, is learning English. Sources Fennell, Barbara A. A History of English: A Sociolinguistic Approach. Blackwell, 2001.McArthur, Tom. The Oxford Guide to World English. Oxford University Press, 2002.Gunderson, Lee. ESL (ELL) Literacy Instruction: A Guidebook to Theory and Practice, second ed. Routledge, 2009.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Help on IT Coursework
Help on IT Coursework Help on IT Coursework ?oursework Writing Service on IT Information Technology has already become one of the most favorite and, at the same time, most important subjects for many students. Those who possess information possess the world, and those who know what to do about IT face better career opportunities that those, who don't. Not surprisingly, writing an informative essay on IT has become a big problem for many students. This is why it is high time for you to devote some time to learning perfect IT writing. Students in IT normally engage in a variety of disciplines and subjects, including communication, management, business, and technologies. Very often, they find themselves at the crossroads of several different disciplines, such as IT and ethics. IT brings together knowledge and skills from numerous disciplines and sources, and you are always welcome to choose what best suits you. You are exposed to many informative essay topics, and you may need to write a custom essay on operating systems, databases, software engineering, or programming languages. It does not really matter what field of study you eventually choose because you will still have to prove that you have learned it in depth by writing an informative essay or presenting an informative speech at the end of the course.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay about Narrative of Life of Frederick Douglass
Published in 1845, ‘Narrative of life of Frederick Douglass an American slave written by himself’ is still the most highly acclaimed American autobiography ever written. It was published seven years after Douglass escaped from his life as a slave in Maryland. It describes his experience of being slave and his psychological insights into the slave-master relationship. The main focus is on ‘How he learn to read and write ‘and ‘the pain of slavery.’ The goal of this paper is to bring more insight analysis of his narrative life through the most famous two chapter’s in which he defines, â€Å"How he learn to read and write†and â€Å"The pain of slavery.†To achieve this goal, the paper is organized into four main sections. First, author background and†¦show more content†¦Analysis Douglass’s Narrative displays how white slaveholders continue slavery by keeping their slaves uninformed. At the time Douglass was writing, many people thought that slavery was a normal state of being. They believed that blacks were naturally incapable of participating in civil society and thus should be kept as labors for whites. The Narrative explains the tactics and measures by which whites gain and keep power over blacks from their birth onward. Slave owners keep slaves uninformed of basic facts about themselves, such as their birth date or their parents. This enforced ignorance deprives children of their natural sense of distinct identity. As slave children grow up, slave owners prevent them from learning to read and write, as learning would give them a sense of self-sufficiency and capability. Slave-masters understand that knowledge would lead slaves to question the right of whites to keep slaves. Lastly, by keeping slaves illiterate, Southern slave-masters maintain cont rol over what the rest of America knows about slavery. If slaves cannot write, their picture of the slavery story cannot be told. Wendell Phillips states this point in his prefatory letter to the Narrative. Just as slave masters keep people as slaves by depriving them of knowledge and education, slaves need to seek knowledge and education in order to track freedom. It is from Hugh Auld that Douglass learns this idea that knowledge should be the way toShow MoreRelatedNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass987 Words  | 4 PagesLife of Frederick In the â€Å"narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass an American slave written by himself†Frederick reveled to audience the time he was living as a slave and the moments of brutal treats for example psychological, emotional and physical abuses. He was suffering terrible moments during his 20 years as a slave in the twentieth century. In addition, he describes in his own words the strategies he used to escape from the slave holders and to be free. This story the â€Å"Narrative of theRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Essay1102 Words  | 5 PagesDate Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Writing in the favor of black people has always remained controversial from the very beginning. Critics regard such writing as â€Å"a highly conventionalized genre†indicating that â€Å"its status as literature was long disputed but the literary merits of its most famous example such as Frederick Douglass s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass†¦are widely recognized today.†(Ryan:537) Despite of such severe resistance, writers like Douglass have pennedRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass1566 Words  | 7 PagesThe â€Å"Narratives of the Life of Frederick Douglass†is the story of Frederick Douglass’ life from the time he was born into slavery, to the time he escaped to freedom in the north. When Douglass wrote this book, slavery was still legal in a large portion of the United States. After Douglass’ escape to freedom and his continuation of his education, he became an abolitionist through his works of literatu re and speeches. In â€Å"The Blessings of Slavery†, by George Fitzhugh he states that southern slavesRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass1257 Words  | 6 PagesBook Review By Mary Elizabeth Ralls Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass: An autobiography written by Frederick Douglass Millennium publication, 1945edition 75 pages Frederick Douglass whose real name was Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey approximately birthdate is in1818, the month or day is not known, he died in 1895. He is one of the most famous advocates and the greatest leaders of anti-slavery in the past 200 or so years.Read MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Essay1498 Words  | 6 Pagessoutherners believed that one of the most essential means of life was slavery. In the novel, Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass, Douglass challenges and debunks the idea of slavery being a necessary part of the white lifestyle; many pro-slavery arguments consisted of religion justifying slavery, slaves being â€Å"easily manipulated†/ignorant, and slavery keeping the southern economy from disappearing (The Proslavery Argument). Frederick uses personal experiences and other tactics to expose theRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass1730 Words  | 7 PagesOne of the most well-known slavery narratives wa s lived and written by Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. Frederick Douglass was a civil rights activist who was born into slavery on a plantation in eastern Maryland in February 1818. His exact birth date is unknown, he states in his narrative, â€Å"I have no accurate knowledge of my age, never having seen any authentic record containing it.†2 His birth name was Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, which was given by hisRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass1363 Words  | 6 Pages In The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Frederick Douglass portrays the importance of education because of its influence in leveling the playing field between the races in the 1800s. Education and knowledge are themes that are heavily dwelled upon throughout the novel, inspiring the reader to see the full power of such important ideals and to take the full advantage of both at all times. Douglass gives the reader a new appreciat ion for education as he delivers his message regardingRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass1255 Words  | 6 PagesFrederick Douglass, throughout Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, uses religion to get many of his points across. In one way, religion plays a huge role in Douglass’ ability to become literate throughout the text. With the Bible and other Christian texts, Douglass is able to further his ability and the ability of others to read. This becomes important because as Douglass points out the slaveholders believe a literate slave is not a good slave. This union of literacy and religion show theRead MoreThe Narrative Life Of Frederick Douglass1583 Words  | 7 Pages‘The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass’ is an autobiography of Frederick Douglass, the slave who escaped and became one of renowned social reformers of his time. The book is a collection of actual experiences of the author during his time in slavery and experienc es of fellow slaves. He describes brilliantly the oppressive conditions into which he was born, lived, as well as his struggles and triumphs. The author meant to make the reader comprehend life of the African Americans in slavery beforeRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass939 Words  | 4 PagesRevolutionary Freedom In 1845, an African-American man named Frederick Douglass released a thought-provoking autobiography that would become a turning point in revolutionary change. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass was the first autobiography Douglass had written focusing on the real life struggles he has faced during his time spent in bondage. During his time, it was not common for an African-American to have the skills to read and write, and it was especially uncommon to publish
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Home Schooling is a Better Choice Free Essays
Education is considered as a wealth that other people cannot take away from anyone. It can take an individual to far places, allow him or her to do greater things, and make it possible to have a brighter future. No matter how poor or how difficult it is to send a child to school, every parent would want to give their children a chance to have a quality education. We will write a custom essay sample on Home Schooling is a Better Choice or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are some cases when a child has to be home schooled. Home-schooling is the better alternative aside from sending a child to a normal school; and it is not as dangerous as some people think it is. This is why many parents who preferred to home-school their children reacted to a new court ruling that would make them criminals for teaching without credentials. This law was proposed by Justice H. Walter of the Los Angeles’ Second District Court of Appeal. He reasoned out that children aged six to 18 should attend public school unless exempted. Parents who home-school their children reacted because they believe that home-schooling is better than sending their children to public or private schools. Moreover, parents believe that they, and not the state, know better what is best for their children, including how they should be educated. In addition, parents reasoned out that since private schools do not necessarily require their teachers to have credentials, why are parents not allowed to teach their children even without a credential? (Yskamp, 2008). Home-schooling is a better option to steer children away from the dangers and the pitfalls associated with public schools (Distantschooling, 2006). Children are not at risk of bullying at school, or of alcohol and drugs or other negative influences. There is also a strengthened bonding between parents and children as they spend more time together, thus further reinforcing the family in the American society (Pride, 2009). Moreover, home-schooling enables parents to meet the unique needs of their children that will otherwise be ignored in classrooms accommodating more than 30 kids. There are also parents who reported that home-schooling best fits the learning needs of their children (Yskamp, 2008). How to cite Home Schooling is a Better Choice, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Critical Analysis On Apple Inc’s Recruitment Video
Question: Discuss about theCritical Analysis On Apple Incs Recruitment Video. Answer: Introduction: Apple Inc is unarguably the best place to work in for those aiming to make it big in their life. Based in California, Apple Inc is a multinational technology company operating under the leadership of CEO Tim Cook. With revenue of 233 billion as in 2015, the company has been unstoppable in its quest to lead in innovative technology (, n.d.). It is not just about making a career but being a part of something legendary in the world. Of all the big names in the field of technology, Apple has made an inimitable brand image for itself that absolutely no other company can manage to challenge. It has got it all to create and develop some of the most unimaginable products in the human history. From an era where there was no non-physical means to send a message across, Apple has created some of the most unthinkable gadgets to transform the life of millions of people around the world. Currently, Apple delves into a wide array of industrial activities including designing, manufacturing and marketing of mobiles, computers, and portable digital music players along with a huge number of related software and services (Johnson et. al., 2012). It does not come as a surprise that so many young people dream of getting hired in the technology behemoth. The company has been branded as one of the most innovating workplaces in the world. There is absolutely no doubt about the fact that Apple is one of the most challenging places to work for. There are high expectations, often unreasonable, on every single one working under Apple Inc., yet people aspire to work for them. In fact, Steve Jobs had been a tough task master in the company, even for at the top most positions. Yet, there is something remarkable about Apple that people aspire to work in Apple. Let us evaluate Apples possible recruitment strategy to get a deep insight of their corporate environment. This video has demonstrated the generic feel of the employees working in the company. Apple is a big brand name and employees inside them feel the weight of it on their shoulders. Over the years, Apple has opened plenty of jobs for skilled people, both in and outside the US. Even though employment in the US has stagnated, the company has added 52K in the last 10 years (, n.d.). Apple believes in pushing the envelope more than any other company in the world. Their zeal and zest to do the unthinkable has attracted some of the most talented and gifted minds over the years. The company believes in persistent efforts against the rising problems to ensure that the end product is something meaningful. Apple believes in working in small teams to do something great. It is done to ensure that every single individual contributes to something valuable. Collaborative work ensures that everyone pitches in to give their best performance to refine the end result. As innovation has become an inevitable part of companys operations, it is essential that people with varied skills contribute to perfect different aspects of the end product or service. Apple believes in cross collaboration between different groups to get the best result. Cross-functional teams are found to be productive for the fact that they bring in their best on table to create something iconic. As per Maltz and Kohli (2000), cross functional teams are groups intended to dither out disagreements arising in goals, language and processes which apparently need cross-functional integration. Such groups ensure that people with distinct expertise collate for facilitating temporary tasks including development of new products (Turkula inen Ketokivi, 2012), or permanent tasks to ensure that operational processes are integrated (Pagell, 2004). All the team members must keep conflicts at bay in order to jointly achieve effective results. Since innovation is detachable part of Apple products, it has been important that employees work in the direction to attain the unfeasible tasks. Apple considers innovation as a crucial object of their survival and development, and this philosophy has been successfully etched into the corporate culture (Tim Cook, 2012). The launch of iPhone made the company reinforce the same in the mind of public. Steve Jobs introduced iPhone as a three in one device with the ability to be a cell phone, internet communicator and a widescreen iPod (Barrett, 2012). In this process of strategically innovating, Apple started the transformation from just being a maker of consumer electronics to a provider of terminal-based content (Hess, 2006). Such corporate environment allows employees to open their latent talent and make the best use of it to achieve professional satisfaction. Thus in the process of creating something really big, talented individuals end up achieving professional excellence whilst giv ing their share of contribution. Such is the vibrancy and vibes in the working environment that employees engage in creating meaningful products to transform the world. Employees feel engaged with the companys mission and vision to religiously invest their best skills and potential to give excellent performance. Robinson et al. (2004) stated that employee engagement reflects a positive attitude demonstrated by employees towards the growth and success of the organization. An engaged employee is more productive and dedicated towards delivering good results. There have been many researches done in order to establish the positive association between employee engagement and organizational performance. Apple has employees who are passionate about their job. For them, its not about earning big bucks but being a part of something so magnanimous like Apple. They are inherently excited and driven to solve the problems and creating something path breaking instead of falling in line with what all other companies are doing. Of all, it could be the charm of co-found of Apple, Steve Jobs, who had the knack of selecting the right people for the right job. The selected candidates need not be the top scholars or academicians but got to have the right talent to match the requirements of the job. Other thing that is common among Apple employees is their ability to adapt to uncertain situations at a faster pace than others. Change is a constant thing and some people are just easy to embrace it than many others. At Apple, employees are put through difficult situations to make them flexible enough mould themselves in different job roles. In their quest to create and recreate any new technology or process, employees are subjected to navigate through new routes. Apple has created such a dynamic work environment conducive to innovation and flexibility that employees end up adapting themselves to it in a very short span of time. The video reflects the popular perception of the people outside the Apple. It goes on to show the amount of perseverance and mental acumen goes into designing and creating simple objects of technological innovation. An iPhone, iPad or Mac may appear very simple to use but there is a lot goes into making it, right from conceptualizing to the end product in the hand of the consumers. Its the persistence to keep refining to reach the zenith of perfection that keeps the employees challenging themselves to give something of value or meaning to the world. This video has demonstrated some the desired skills and qualities Apple employees have or have developed over the time to imbibe the enigmatic corporate culture. References PAGELL, M. (2004). Understanding the factors that enable and inhibit the integration of operations , purchasing and logistics. Journal of Operations Management, 22, 459487. TURKULAINEN, V., Ketokivi, M. (2012). the real benefits? Cross-functional integration and performance : what are the real benefits? International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 32(4), 447467. MALTZ, E. Kohli, A. K. (2000). Reducing Marketing s Conflict With Other Functions: The Differential Effects of Integrating Mechanisms. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 28(4), 479492. Robinson D., Perryman S., Hayday S. (2004). The Drivers of Employee Engagement Report 408, Institute for Employment Studies, UK. Barrett. , Paul, M. S. Adam, B. (2012). Peter Bloomberg Business week, (4293), 32- 33. Cook, T. (2012). Tim Cook one year on: hows Apple doing?. Retrieved from Hess, M. N.M. Coe (2006). Making Connections: Global Production Networks, Standards, and Embeddedness in the Mobile-Telecommunications Industry, Environment and Planning, (38), 12051227 Johnson, K., Li, Y., Phan, H., Singer, J., Trinh, H. (2012). The Innovative Success that is Apple, Inc. About - Job Creation - Apple. Apple. Retrieved from
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